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Twilight Quotes

When you can live forever what do you live for? I only said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be. What if I'm not the hero? What if I am the bad guy? James: You're alone... because you're faster than the others. But not stronger... Edward Cullen: I'm strong enough to kill you. I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you could outrun me. As if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill. I know what you are. You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change colour and you never eat or come out into the sun. I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours... Just money, sex, money, sex... cat. And then you, nothing. It's very frustrating. Oh, you do smell good. Look Bella, I know I'm not that much fun to be around but I can change that. We can do more stuff together. I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore. Edward Cullen: That's what you dream about? Being a monster? Isabella Swan: I dream about being with you forever.